Using a burner, you can cook up wholesome homecooked food on your hob or with your cooker – anything from frying bánh mì burgers to creamy noodle pasta salad to creating handmade dark chocolate truffles. Due to our site’s monumental collection of Hotpoint spares, we can get your hob cooking in no time.
Gas cookers are usually selected over established electric-fuelled hobs because gas is more sensitive to temperature changes and gives you greater fine-tuned control over the temperature of your food. Because gas burners are used on a daily basis, they might receive damage.
Please note: because of the substantial size of our website’s catalogue, it’s a superb idea to locate the data plate of your hob (frequently attached to the inside edge of the main oven opening) and to record the serial and model numbers printed on it. You can use the code info to search our site and seek out the correct replacement parts or telephone our friendly team.