There’s nothing worse than getting home from a long day at work to find your electric oven has broken – there go your dinner plans! Luckily for you, we can save the day with our powers of damaged-electric-oven-diagnosis (…think of us as a more practical superhero). So, from minor oven faults to an oven which has completely cut out, we have the ‘problem + solution’ equations to get your electric oven back up and cooking.
Know Your Elements (no, not the periodic table kind)
Faults with heating elements are a pretty common problem with electric ovens. If you’re finding that the light or fan still come on, but your oven isn’t heating up properly, you probably have a faulty heating element. In the majority of cases, the best way to fix this is to identify the damaged element in your electric oven and replace it. You can find all our oven element replacements here.
Burnt Grub
If your oven is still cooking food but doing its job a little too well – i.e. burning everything to a crisp – the issue is likely down to the thermostat. You probably won’t be surprised to hear that a thermostats job is to manage the temperature of your oven, when it breaks or becomes dirty the temperature becomes unstable. A quick tip for checking this is to take the temperature of the heat inside your electric oven manually – if the reading is higher than the temperature your oven is set to you can be sure the thermostats to blame – browse this page for a replacement.
Black Out
The dreaded electric oven cut out. If it appears that your oven is completely broken, it understandably causes a bit of panic – while it’s hard to diagnose the exact oven fault without knowing the specifics, there are a few common oven issues we can outline for you. One possible problem is that the power from the mains has cut out due to a blown fuse (luckily, this is easily fixed). Alternatively, you may have an issue with the thermal switch or cooling fan. If you’re concerned, we recommend getting in touch with us – we can help whatever your electric oven problem.
Too Much Heat
We all like some warm weather, but if you find that your oven door or knobs are very hot to the touch – or even that other utilities in the kitchen are heating and burning you may have a broken oven door or faulty cooling fan. A damaged oven door allows the heat to escape and consequently can burn furniture around the kitchen. Once you’ve identified whether the fan or oven door is the issue, you should look into cooling fan and oven door replacements.
If we didn’t identify your electric oven fault here then fear not, you can give our team a call on 02920 452 510 so we can help diagnose the problem and recommend quality parts to get your electric oven fixed. For those of you already in the know, you can browse all our spare electric oven parts to find what you need for excellent value for money!

Electric ovens are an amazing cooking appliance, and it's not until something is wrong with it that we realise how often we use them. If you do a lot of cooking it can be a shock to the system to lose your right-hand man (we mean your cooker, of course). But no need to worry! Just because you need to make some electric cooker repairs doesn't mean you have to start browsing for a brand new oven, we are here to help you out!
Here's a guide explaining some electric cooker repairs and the replacement parts you may need, so keep reading!
Oven not heating up
If your electric oven isn't heating up then you won't be making tasty warm home-cooked meals any time soon, luckily (kind of) this is a common problem and more often then not quite simple to correct.
Solution: Try changing the oven element. This is the part of the over responsible for heating it up, so we stock a whole range of high-quality replacements. Click here to see our oven elements.
Unevenly cooked meals
If you have a fan assisted oven that suddenly stops cooking your food evenly it can be very frustrating trying to cook something properly.
Solution: The oven fan is what pushes the heat around your oven evenly, replacing a busted oven fan will help it cook your food evenly once more! See our oven fan replacements.
Door won't close properly
Your oven will struggle to heat up and stay warm with a loose door. This can happen after years of opening and close your oven with a bit too much force.
Solution: If your oven door is hanging off, or is too stiff you probably have a problem with your oven door hinges or the door pin/catch.
Oven keeps overheating
If you keep finding that your food is coming out a bit more... crisp than you had intended, you may find that it really isn't to do with your culinary skills after all.
Solution: It may be that your thermostat is no longer able to read the temperature of the oven which is why it keeps heating up. Find replacement oven thermostats here.
Before ordering any replacement part for your electric cooker repairs it is important to make sure that your new part is compatible with your oven. To do this use our model and manufacturers search filter and find results that will be a perfect fit! Details will be listed in our product description.
For any questions about electric cooker repairs or about any of the products we supply, don't hesitate to get in touch. We are happy to help with all your cooker related queries so contact us today.

Your oven can be a mystery, an appliance most of us use every day but when something goes wrong with it, it can be hard to know what has gone on. If your electric oven is not heating up then you may be at a loss at how to cook your home cooked meals! But there's no need to look for a brand new oven, it most cases it's probably one broken component of your oven that is causing problems. We often get asked how to fix an electric oven that's not heating up, so we've created this blog post to guide you through the most common reasons why this problem happens.
What prevents an electric oven from heating up?
Faulty Oven Element

The oven element is the part of your oven that is responsible for heating up your oven cavity. When this becomes faulty your oven is pretty much useless, and unfortunately, this is quite a common issue. Luckily, we have a huge range of replacement oven elements that will have it fixed in no time. See our full range of replacement oven elements here.
Broken Thermostat

If your oven thermostat isn't working your oven won't know how hot it is getting, which means it may not be reaching the temperature you need. If your food is overheating or being undercooked it's important you change it as soon as possible. Find your replacement oven thermostat here.
Damaged Door Seal or Hinge

Although you may not consider your door hinge or seal as being an important part of your oven, they actually keep invaluable heat in your oven as it cooks your food. If either become loose your oven may not reach the temperature you are setting it to. Luckily, we have a huge range of door hinges and oven door seals.
We have a whole range of genuine and alternative replacement parts that will be able to get your cooker back up to working condition. Be sure that the part you order is compatible with your cooker by using our search filters and reading our product descriptions. Find all our replacements here.
If you have any questions about fixing your electric oven that isn't heating up, or about any of the products we offer feel free to get in touch. We are always happy to help and point you in the right direction, so don't hesitate to contact us today.
If you've found your electric oven's temperature fluctuating, this could be due to a number of reasons. Every oven is made up of a variety of different parts and if one element is not working, this could be the cause of your oven's temperature fluctuation. Find out which parts could be causing a problem below.
Reasons Your Electric Oven Temperature Fluctuates

1) Your oven thermostat is broken
A broken electric oven thermostat is most likely the cause of your electric oven's temperature fluctuation. Your oven thermostat is the oven part which regulates the temperature. If the thermostat is broken, it will no longer be able to keep the temperature at a stable level and will cause fluctuation. This most often leads to burnt food, but can also lead to undercooked (and potentially dangerous) food.
Buy replacement oven thermostats here.
2) Your oven element is damaged
If you find that your oven is hot on one side and cooler on the other, this could be down to your oven element becoming damaged. Your oven element is responsible for providing heat within the oven cavity, so if part of it has become damaged it could mean that one area of your oven is cooler than the other parts.
Buy replacement oven elements here.
3) The cooling fan is starting to break
If your electric oven cooling fan is broken, this could cause the temperature to fluctuate during cooking. The cooling fan works to help regulate the temperature within the oven and will stop it from getting too hot. If your cooling fan is broken or on it's way out, you may find that your electric oven's temperature fluctuates substantially.
Buy replacement cooling fans & motors here.
4) Your electric oven door seal has come loose
You may not think it is a hugely important part of the oven, but the purpose of your oven door seal is to retain the oven heat. A loose oven door seal can cause your electric oven's temperature to fluctuate as it loses heat through the gaps. An oven door seal can easily be replaced, which should solve your oven temperature fluctuation problem!
Buy replacement oven door seals here.
If you find that none of these oven parts are broken, your oven temperature fluctuation could be due to a larger problem. We would recommend speaking to a professional and then get in touch with us as CookerSpareParts to find the right replacement part!