When someone is cooking up a storm in the kitchen, there are few things that compare to the sweet, sweet aroma of a finely cooked dish.
Whether it’s a freshly made sauce on the stove, a roasting chicken in the oven or even the scent of toast gently browning in the toaster, the slightest whiff can get the taste buds tingling and the mouth salivating.
That being said, the cacophony of odours can create quite the aromatic cocktail over time and leave you with a less than harmonious oven smell (particularly when it comes to fish and meat).
Avoid a smelly oven with these tips to keep your oven smells under control.

How to Remove Odours from your Oven
When your oven smells become too much to handle, you can deodorise an oven in a number of different ways; however, you don’t even need to reach for the industrial power of chemical oven cleaners to do so.
In fact, perhaps the quickest and easiest way to neutralise your oven smells is to enlist a helping hand from Mother Nature. Here are three sure-fire techniques to rid your oven of its nasty odours naturally.
A great natural way of getting rid of oven smells is to enlist the awesome citric power of lemons. In addition to smelling great, they also make for a great way to loosen grease for a one-two punch of citric power.
First, fill a large oven-proof dish with about an inch or so of water. Next, slice two or three lemons in half and squeeze the juice into the dish, placing the squeezed lemon halves into the dish as well.
From there, simply pre-heat the oven to 120 C, place the dish on the rack and leave it to boil over for up to an hour, depending on the extent of the smell. Voila – one citrus fresh oven!
Another fantastic natural ingredient for masking odours, vanilla is a great alternative for a sweet-smelling kitchen.
Simply mix a teaspoon of vanilla extract with a small bowl of water and mix. Dip a cloth into the mixture and ring out the excess water until you’re left with a damp cloth.
From there, use the damp cloth to wipe down the inside of the oven, making sure to cover all walls, roof, base and racks. Repeat this process two or three times to ensure the whole oven is appropriately coated.
Much like the lemon method, you can also use the evaporation technique to deodorise your oven. Simply follow the same steps using an oven-proof dish and an inch of water, replacing the lemon juice for a teaspoon of vanilla extract.
Much like lemons, the citrusy goodness of oranges makes them the perfect weapon for a fresh smelling oven.
However, unlike the lemon method, you only need the peel for this approach (so feel free to snack on the juicy segments while you prep).
All you have to do is peel an orange and place the skin on a baking tray in the oven. Leave them to bake for up to an hour and – hey presto – you should be left with an odourly wonderful tropical scent.
So, there you have it: three unbelievably easy ways to rescue your smelly oven from the stench of defeat. If your oven trays, racks and pans are simply beyond saving, you can always get a replacement here at Cooker Spare Parts. Click below to get in touch today.
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