If your cooker hood's extraction power is at an all-time low, it's probably time to replace some parts and give it a bit of TLC. Cooker hood filter replacement is a fairly simple task, just follow these steps and your kitchen will be steam and smell free again in no time! Note: most cooker hood filters need replacing every four to six months.
To Replace Your Cooker Hood Filter
You Will Need:
- New filter (grease or carbon filter, depending on hood model & cooker type)
- Screwdriver
- Optional: warm soapy water, rubber gloves
Step 1: Preparation
Before making a start on your cooker hood filter replacement, there are a few things you need to do. Firstly, take a look at your cooker hood and make sure you've purchased a compatible replacement filter. You can find a huge selection of replacement filters to suit your cooker hood here, in our range of cooker hood filter spares.
Once you've got your spare filter, you need to disconnect your cooker hood from the mains (we don't want any nasty shocks here!)
Step 2: Pop the hood
Your cooker hood probably isn't going to pop open like a car bonnet... but the same principle applies!
Grab your screwdriver and unscrew any screws that prevent you from accessing the cooker hood filter. (Now's also the time to put those rubber gloves on if you don't want to end up with grubby, greasy hands).
Step 3: Replacement time!
Once your cooker hood is suitably dismantled, it's time to have a look at the damage inside. If your cooker hood hasn't been working as it should for a while, it's likely you'll see a nasty buildup of grease over the cooker hood filter.
- Unscrew/unclip the existing filter.
- Take it out of the cooker hood and discard.
- Fit your new filter in its place. If you've got a universal filter, you may need to cut it down to size.
- Screw or clip the new filter in place, making sure it's secure.
Some cooker hood models will have a metal grease filter rather than a typical fabric one. These filters can be removed, rinsed using a warm soapy solution, left to dry and re-inserted back into your cooker hood. Simple!
So there you have it, cooker hood filter replacement in just a few easy steps. If you have any questions, or if you need help finding the right cooker hood filter replacement for your cooker, don't hesitate to get in touch with us. Call us on 02920 452 510 now!